

单词 hiss




From Middle English hissen, probably of onomatopoeic origin. Compare Middle Dutch hissen, hisschen.


  • IPA(key): /hɪs/
  • (file)
  • Rhymes: -ɪs


hiss (plural hisses)

  1. A sibilant sound, such as that made by a snake or escaping steam; an unvoiced fricative.
    • 1591 (date written), William Shakespeare, “The Second Part of Henry the Sixt, []”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies. [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, OCLC 606515358, [Act III, scene ii]:
      Their music frightful as the serpent’s hiss,
      And boding screech-owls make the concert full!
    • 1667, John Milton, “Book VI”, in Paradise Lost. [], London: [] [Samuel Simmons], [], OCLC 228722708; republished as Paradise Lost in Ten Books: [], London: Basil Montagu Pickering [], 1873, OCLC 230729554, lines 212-213:
      [] over head the dismal hiss
      Of fiery Darts in flaming volies flew,
    • 1717, John Dryden [et al.], “Book 13. [The Story of Acis, Polyphemus and Galatea.]”, in Ovid’s Metamorphoses in Fifteen Books. [], London: [] Jacob Tonson, [], OCLC 731548838:
      A hundred Reeds, of a prodigious Growth,
      Scarce made a Pipe, proportion’d to his Mouth:
      Which, when he gave it Wind, the Rocks around,
      And watry Plains, the dreadful Hiss resound.
    • 1874, Thomas Hardy, Far from the Madding Crowd. [], volume (please specify |volume=I or II), London: Smith, Elder & Co., [], OCLC 2481962:
      [] his form was soon covered over by the twilight as his footsteps mixed in with the low hiss of the leafy trees.
    • 1951, William Styron, Lie Down in Darkness, New York: Vintage, 1992, Chapter 6, p. 292,
      Her voice was a hiss, like gas escaping from a bottle of soda.
  2. An expression of disapproval made using such a sound.
    • 1563 March 30, John Foxe, Actes and Monuments of These Latter and Perillous Dayes, [], London: [] Iohn Day, [], OCLC 64451939, book V, Part 2, The Oration of Byshop Brookes in closing vp this examination agaynst Doctour Cranmer Archbishop of Caunterbury,, page [1878]:
      [] in open disputations ye haue bene openly conuict, ye haue bene openly driuen out of the schole with hisses []
    • 1716, Joseph Addison, The Free-Holder, 16 April, 1716, London: D. Midwinter and J. Tonson, pp. 203-204,
      The Actors, in the midst of an innocent old Play, are often startled with unexpected Claps or Hisses; and do not know whether they have been talking like good Subjects, or have spoken Treason.
    • 1869, Mark Twain [pseudonym; Samuel Langhorne Clemens], chapter XXIX, in The Innocents Abroad, or The New Pilgrims’ Progress; [], Hartford, Conn.: American Publishing Company. [], OCLC 35710691:
      Once or twice she was encored five and six times in succession, and received with hisses when she appeared, and discharged with hisses and laughter when she had finished—then instantly encored and insulted again!

Derived terms

  • hissy
  • plasmaspheric hiss


The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions at Wiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.


hiss (third-person singular simple present hisses, present participle hissing, simple past and past participle hissed)

  1. (intransitive) To make a hissing sound.
    As I started to poke it, the snake hissed at me.
    • 1567, Ovid, “The Twelfth Booke”, in Arthur Golding, transl., The XV. Bookes of P. Ouidius Naso, Entytuled Metamorphosis, [], London: [] Willyam Seres [], OCLC 1085261494, folio 152, recto:
      And in his wound the seared blood did make a gréeuous sound,
      As when a peece of stéele red who tane vp with tongs is drownd
      In water by the smith, it spirts and hisseth in the trowgh.
    • 1797, Ann Ward Radcliffe, chapter 7, in The Italian, volume II, London: T. Cadell Jun. & W. Davies, page 236:
      The man came back, and said something in a lower voice, to which the other replied, “she sleeps,” or Ellena was deceived by the hissing consonants of some other words.
    • 1995, Rohinton Mistry, A Fine Balance, Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, Chapter 10, p. 487,
      The frying pan hissed and sizzled as Ishvar gently slid ping-pong sized balls into the glistening oil.
  2. (transitive) To call someone by hissing.
    • 1961 November 10, Joseph Heller, “The Soldier in White”, in Catch-22 [], New York, N.Y.: Simon and Schuster, OCLC 1023879857, page 172:
      I stepped out of my tent in Marrakech one night to get a bar of candy and caught your dose of clap when that Wac I never even saw before hissed me into the bushes.
  3. (transitive, intransitive) To condemn or express contempt (for someone or something) by hissing.
    The crowd booed and hissed her off the stage.
    • 1599 (first performance), William Shakespeare, “The Tragedie of Iulius Cæsar”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, OCLC 606515358, [Act I, scene ii]:
      If the tag-rag people did not clap him and hiss him, according as he pleased and displeased them, as they use to do the players in the theatre, I am no true man.
    • 1611, The Holy Bible, [] (King James Version), London: [] Robert Barker, [], OCLC 964384981, Ezekiel 27:36:
      The merchants among the people shall hiss at thee []
    • 1653, Henry More, chapter XII, in An Antidote against Atheisme, or An Appeal to the Natural Faculties of the Minde of Man, whether There Be Not a God, London: [] Roger Daniel, [], OCLC 228721837, book I, page 102:
      VVherefore this Religious affection vvhich nature has implanted, and as ſtrongly rooted in Man as the feare of death or the love of vvomen, vvould be the moſt enormous ſlip or bungle ſhe could commit, ſo that ſhe vvould ſo ſhamefully faile in the laſt Act, in this contrivance of the nature of Man, that inſtead of a Plaudite ſhe vvould deſerve to be hiſſed off the Stage.
    • 1793, Elizabeth Inchbald, Every One Has His Fault, London: G.G.J. and J. Robinson, Prologue,
      The Play, perhaps, has many things amiss:
      Well, let us then reduce the point to this,
      Let only those that have no failings, hiss.
    • 1803, Robert Charles Dallas, The History of the Maroons, London: Longman and Rees, Volume 1, Letter 5, p. 145,
      As the culprits went through the town and plantations they were laughed at, hissed, and hooted by the slaves []
    • 1961, Walker Percy, The Moviegoer, New York: Ivy Books, 1988, Part 1, Chapter 4, p. 38,
      How well I remember, her stepmother told her, the days when we Wagnerians used to hiss old Brahms—O for the rapturous rebellious days of youth.
  4. (transitive) To utter (something) with a hissing sound.
    • 1761, Robert Lloyd, An Epistle to C. Churchill, London: William Flexney, page 7,
      Lies oft o’erthrown with ceaseless Venom spread,
      Still hiss out Scandal from their Hydra Head,
    • 1855, Alfred Tennyson, “Maud”, in Maud, and Other Poems, London: Edward Moxon, [], OCLC 1013215631, page 20:
      the long-necked geese of the world that are ever hissing dispraise []
    • 2011 December 14, John Elkington, “John Elkington”, in The Guardian:
      It turns out that the driver of the red Ferrari that caused the crash wasn't, as I first guessed, a youngster, but a 60-year-old. Clearly, he had energy to spare, which was more than could be said about a panel I listened to around the same time as the crash. Indeed, someone hissed in my ear during a First Magazine awards ceremony in London's imposing Marlborough House on 7 December: "What we need is more old white men on the stage."
    • 2012, Hilary Mantel, Bring Up the Bodies, New York: Henry Holt, Part 2, “Master of Phantoms,”
      All day from the queen’s rooms, shouting, slamming doors, running feet: hissed conversations in undertones.
  5. (intransitive) To move with a hissing sound.
    The arrow hissed through the air.
    • 1718, Alexander Pope (translator), The Iliad of Homer, London: Bernard Lintott, Volume 4, Book 15, lines 690-691, p. 192,
      The Troops of Troy recede with sudden Fear,
      While the swift Javelin hiss’d along in Air.
    • 1815, William Wordsworth, “Influence of Natural Objects” in Poems by William Wordsworth, London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Volume 1, p. 46,
      All shod with steel
      We hissed along the polished ice []
    • 1891, Thomas Hardy, Tess of the d’Urbervilles: A Pure Woman Faithfully Presented [], volume (please specify |volume=I to III), London: James R[ipley] Osgood, McIlvaine and Co., [], OCLC 13623666:
      All the preceding afternoon and night heavy thunderstorms had hissed down upon the meads, and washed some of the hay into the river []
    • 1997, Annie Proulx, “Brokeback Mountain” in Close Range: Brokeback Mountain and Other Stories, London: Harper Perennial, 2005, p. 283,
      Ennis del Mar wakes before five, wind rocking the trailer, hissing in around the aluminum door and window frames.
  6. (transitive) To emit or eject (something) with a hissing sound.
    • 1938, Graham Greene, Brighton Rock, London: Heinemann, Part 2, Chapter 1, p. 72,
      The man in white pyjamas hissed soda into his glass.
    • 1939, John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath, New York: Viking, Chapter 26, p. 500,
      The radiator bubbled and hissed steam.
    • 1976, Ira Levin, The Boys from Brazil, New York: Dell, 1977, Part 1, p. 16,
      He hissed air intently through a gap in his upper teeth.
  7. (transitive) To whisper, especially angrily or urgently.
    • 1881, Elim Henry D'Avigdor, Across Country, Bradbury, Agnew:
      "Are you quite sure of it," she hissed into his ear, "Mr Fang, Junior?"
    • 1968, James A. Emanuel, Theodore L. Gross, Dark symphony, →ISBN:
      "Oh please," she said, "don't let him see us!" I wouldn't let her push me away. "Stop!" she hissed. "He'll see us!"

Derived terms

  • boo hiss
  • hissable
  • hiss-and-tell
  • hisser
  • hissing hot


See also

  • hizz


  • IHSS, Shis



Ultimately from Arabic حِسّ (ḥiss). Compare Turkish his.


  • (file)
  • Homophone: his


hiss (definite accusative hissi, plural hisslər)

  1. feeling, sensation
    Synonym: duyğu

Usage notes

The final double consonant in Azerbaijani nouns is usually reduced in the locative and ablative singular and plural; hiss and küll are exceptions to this rule, as they would otherwise be confused with his and kül ( “Azərbaycan dilində hansı sözlərin yazılışının dəyişəcəyi açıqlanıb”, in Report.az, January 2018).


    Declension of hiss
definite accusativehissi
definite genitivehissin
    Possessive forms of hiss
mənim (my)hissimhisslərim
sənin (your)hissinhisslərin
onun (his/her/its)hissihissləri
bizim (our)hissimizhisslərimiz
sizin (your)hissinizhissləriniz
onların (their)hissi or hisslərihissləri
mənim (my)hissimihisslərimi
sənin (your)hissinihisslərini
onun (his/her/its)hissinihisslərini
bizim (our)hissimizihisslərimizi
sizin (your)hissinizihisslərinizi
onların (their)hissini or hisslərinihisslərini
mənim (my)hissiməhisslərimə
sənin (your)hissinəhisslərinə
onun (his/her/its)hissinəhisslərinə
bizim (our)hissimizəhisslərimizə
sizin (your)hissinizəhisslərinizə
onların (their)hissinə or hisslərinəhisslərinə
mənim (my)hissimdəhisslərimdə
sənin (your)hissindəhisslərində
onun (his/her/its)hissindəhisslərində
bizim (our)hissimizdəhisslərimizdə
sizin (your)hissinizdəhisslərinizdə
onların (their)hissində or hisslərindəhisslərində
mənim (my)hissimdənhisslərimdən
sənin (your)hissindənhisslərindən
onun (his/her/its)hissindənhisslərindən
bizim (our)hissimizdənhisslərimizdən
sizin (your)hissinizdənhisslərinizdən
onların (their)hissindən or hisslərindənhisslərindən
mənim (my)hissiminhisslərimin
sənin (your)hissininhisslərinin
onun (his/her/its)hissininhisslərinin
bizim (our)hissimizinhisslərimizin
sizin (your)hissinizinhisslərinizin
onların (their)hissinin or hisslərininhisslərinin

Derived terms

  • hiss etmək (to feel)



  • (file)



  1. singular imperative of hissen
  2. (colloquial) first-person singular present of hissen

Middle English



  1. Alternative form of his (his)

Norwegian Nynorsk


From h + -iss.


hiss m (definite singular hissen, indefinite plural hissar, definite plural hissane)

  1. (music) B-sharp



From hissa (hoist). Attested since 1824.


  • (file)


hiss c

  1. elevator, lift


Declension of hiss 




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