manual interlocking
interlocking: manual interlocking
(诺言的实现) honour (a commitment, etc.); fulfill; make good (a promise); realize; make real:
(读懂; 读通) understand what one reads
(读起来顺口) be suitable for reading aloud; make smooth reading:
(诽谤) disparage; run sb. down:
(谁) who:
(调动转换; 变动工作) transfer to another work unit
(调唆) instigate; stir up
(调查; 寻求) inquiry into; seek by inquiry [search]; try to get:
(调皮, 顽皮) act up; make trouble; do mischief; mischief:
(谄媚奉承; 奴颜卑膝; 低人一等) servile; cringing; obsequious; at sb.'s beck and call; take oneself down 3 or 4 pegs:
(谄媚者) sycophant; toady
(谈笑) talk and laugh at
(谈论过去事情的话) remarks about the old days
(谈论) talk over; discuss:
(谈话、写文章没有中心,离题甚远) straying far from the subject; rambling; discursive
(谋取的不正当利益) easy gains; spoils:
(谦称自己的别名) my humble style (name)
(豆腐乳) fermented bean curd
(豆薯) yam bean
(豪迈,不拘束) bold and generous; unconstrained
(豪迈, 不拘束) bold and generous; unconstrained
(豪迈, 不拘束) untrammelled by convention; casual; unconventional
(负伤) be wounded in action:
(负担) millstone round one's neck; load; weight; encumbrance; burden:
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