

单词 High Germany

High Germany



From its higher elevation than Low Germany.

Proper noun

High Germany

  1. (dated, geography) Southern Germany, the high-lying land of the German people in Central Europe around the Alps.
    • 1759, George Sale et al., The Modern Part of an Universal History, volume XXIX: History of the German Empire, page 2:
      Since the reign of Charlemagne, this country is divided into High and Low Germany: the firſt, towards the ſouth, comprehending the Palatinate of the Rhine, Franconia, Suabia, Bavaria, Bohemia, Moravia, Auſtria, Carinthia, Carniola, Stiria, Tyrol, the Swiſs, and the Griſons...
  2. (dated, linguistics) those areas where High German is traditionally spoken, i.e. central Germany, southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland, South Tyrol, Alsace, Luxembourg, eastern Belgium, and south-eastern Limburg (Netherlands); at various historic times including different, often wider, territories.

Usage notes

  • Although the term is now little used, the derived term for the speech of the area, High German, is still common.


  • Higher Germany
  • South Germany, Southern Germany

Derived terms

  • High German
  • Low Germany




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