

单词 heterotropic




hetero- + tropic


heterotropic (not comparable)

  1. (chemistry) Concerning an effect in one entity that is controlled or influenced by a separate entity, such as when one ligand influences the binding of another ligand.
    • 2000 October 27, Kenneth E. Prehoda et al., “Integration of Multiple Signals Through Cooperative Regulation of the N-WASP-Arp2/3 Complex”, in Science, volume 290, number 5492, DOI:10.1126/science.290.5492.801, pages 801-806:
      This behavior is analogous to that of any cooperative binding protein, such as hemoglobin (18, 19 ), although in this case, cooperativity is observed between heterotropic rather than homotropic ligands.
    • 2002, N. V. Bhagavan, Medical Biochemistry, →ISBN, page 111:
      Some allosteric enzymes exhibit mixed homotropic and heterotropic interactions.
    • 2006, Perry A. Frey, Robert H. Ables, & ‎Adrian D. Hegeman, Enzymatic Reaction Mechanisms, →ISBN, page 500:
      In heterotropic allosteric regulation, the bacterial enzymes are activated by ADP and inhibited by phosphoenolpyruvate binding at the allosteric site.
  2. (physiology) Concernaing a process that abnormally takes place outside of its normal system as well as within its normal system.
    • 2007, Jonathan S. Berek, Berek & Novak's Gynecology, →ISBN, page 629:
      Heterotropic pregnancy occurs when intrauterine and ectopic pregnancies coexist.
    • 2009, Kulkarni, Textbook of Orthopaedics and Trauma, →ISBN, page 2524:
      Various hereditary conditions and congenital condition give rise to heterotropic calcification something abnormal in metabolic and endocrinal functions also give rise to deposition of calcium in extraskeletal system.
  3. Arising from the interaction of separate people or entities.
    • 1998, Andrew Herod, ‎Gearóid Ó Tuathail, & ‎Gerard Toal, An Unruly World?: Globalization, Governance, and Geography, →ISBN:
      At the end of the twentieth century Nature is alive and well, permeating the experience of everyday life as a riotous profusion of heterotropic images, signs and discursive constructs.
    • 2013, Anita Konzelmann Ziv & ‎Hans Bernhard Schmid, Institutions, Emotions, and Group Agents, →ISBN, page 121:
      In contrast, heterotropic intentional mental states, intentional acts and actions cannot be performed and experienced by a single individual: heterotropic states, acts and actions necessarily refer to and depend on other individuals, i.e. they involve at least two individuals.
    • 2014, Samuel R. Delany, Nova, →ISBN:
      As Webster informs us, it is both psychomorphic and heterotropic. I suppose that's a fancy way of saying Illyrion is many things to many men.


  • homotropic




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