make great [rapid] strides
stride: make great [rapid] strides
(短线) an odd piece of thread; thrum
(矮立柜) a cupboard that also serves as a table; sideboard
(石头山上凿成的台阶) steps cut on a rocky mountain
(石方工程) stonework; rock excavation:
(破开) cut [rip] open:
(破绽) flaw; hole; loophole:
(硬给安上罪名) frame sb.; fabricate a charge against sb.
(确定) fix in advance; ascertain; make sure:
(确实) true; reliable:
(碰上) run into:
(碰到) meet
(碰巧) happen to; chance to; as it happens:
(磨炼) rough it; temper oneself:
(磨炼) temper; steel; toughen:
(磨蹭) move slowly; dawdle:
(礼物代表的心意) a token of affection, appreciation, gratitude, etc.:
(礼貌) formality:
(社会黑暗) dark rule and social disorder
(祖父) grandfather
(神仙) supernatural being; deity
(神奇的东西) wonder; prodigy; phenomenon
(神奇) magical; miraculous; mystical
(神志不清) dazed; confused; muddled:
(神志不清) dizzy:
(神志不清) lose one's head; become confused; go crazy; be beside oneself:
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