

单词 heretofore



WOTD – 24 September 2011


From Middle English heretoforn, equivalent to here (here) + toforn (before), from Old English toforan (before). More at here, tofore.


  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /ˌhɪətəˈfɔː/, /ˌhɪətʊˈfɔː/, /ˌhɪətəˈfɔə/, /ˌhɪətʊˈfɔə/
  • (General American) IPA(key): /ˈhɪɹtəfɔɹ/, /ˈhɪɹtəfoɹ/
  • (file)
  • Hyphenation: here‧to‧fore


heretofore (not comparable)

  1. (formal, temporal) Before now, until now, up to the present time; from the beginning to this point.
    We now make available these works which were heretofore unpublished.
    • For quotations using this term, see Citations:heretofore.
    Synonyms: hitherto; see also Thesaurus:hitherto
    Antonyms: hereafter, henceforth
  2. (metatextual) Previously within the present text; earlier herein.
    heretofore referred to as
    heretofore mentioned
    Synonym: hereinbefore
    Antonyms: hereafter, henceforth, hereinafter
    Coordinate term: hereinelsewhere


See also

  • aforementioned

See also

Here-, there-, and where- words
  • (about): hereabout, thereabout, whereabout
  • (abouts): hereabouts, thereabouts, whereabouts
  • (after): hereafter, thereafter, whereafter
  • (again): thereagain
  • (against): thereagainst, whereagainst
  • (among): thereamong, whereamong
  • (amongst): whereamongst
  • (around): therearound
  • (as): thereas, whereas
  • (at): hereat, thereat, whereat
  • (before): herebefore, therebefore
  • (beside): therebeside
  • (between): therebetween, wherebetween
  • (by): hereby, thereby, whereby
  • (for): herefor, therefor, wherefor
  • (fore): herefore, therefore, wherefore
  • (from): herefrom, therefrom, wherefrom
  • (hence): herehence, therehence
  • (in): herein, therein, wherein
  • (in after): hereinafter, thereinafter, whereinafter
  • (in before): hereinbefore, thereinbefore, whereinbefore
  • (into): hereinto, thereinto, whereinto
  • (of): hereof, thereof, whereof
  • (on): hereon, thereon, whereon
  • (to): hereto, thereto, whereto
  • (tofore): heretofore, theretofore, wheretofore
  • (under): hereunder, thereunder, whereunder
  • (unto): hereunto, thereunto, whereunto
  • (upon): hereupon, thereupon, whereupon
  • (with): herewith, therewith, wherewith
  • (withal): herewithal, therewithal, wherewithal




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