

单词 Henselian



Alternative forms

  • henselian


Hensel (surname) + -ian; after German mathematician Kurt Hensel (1861–1941).


Henselian (not comparable)

  1. (algebra, of a ring or field) Which satisfies the criteria for (some formulation of) Hensel's lemma.
    • 1989, N. Bourbaki, Commutative Algebra: Chapters 1-7, [1985, N. Bourbaki, Éléments de Mathématique Algébre Commutative 1-4 et 5-7, Masson], Springer, page 256,
      A local ring satisfying conditions (H) and (C) is called Henselian. Every complete Hausdorff local ring is Henselian. If A is Henselian and B is a commutative A-algebra which is a local ring and a finitely generated A-module, then B is Henselian.
    • 2008, Michael D. Fried, Moshe Jarden, Field Arithmetic, Springer, 3rd Edition, page 203,
      An analogous result holds for Henselian fields. Recall that a field is said to be Henselian with respect to a valuation if has a unique extension (also denoted ) to every algebraic extension of . [] It follows that every algebraic extension of an[sic] Henselian field is Henselian.
      [] Every valued field has a minimal separable algebraic extension which is Henselian. The valued field is unique up to a -isomorphism and is called the Henselian closure of [Ribenboim, p. 176].
    • 2017, Arno Fehm, Franziska Jahnke, Recent progress on definability of Henselian valuations, Fabrizio Broglia, Françoise Delon, Max Dickman, Danielle Gondard-Cozette, Victoria Ann Powers (editors), Ordered Algebraic Structures and Related Topics: International Conference, American Mathematical Society, page 136,
      Although the study of the definability of henselian valuations has a long history starting with J. Robinson, most of the results in this area were proven during the last few years.

See also

  • Henselization
  • Hensel ring

Further reading

  • Henselian ring on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
  • Hensel's lemma on Wikipedia.Wikipedia


  • Hanelines




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