

单词 Hawaiian Islands

Hawaiian Islands


Proper noun

Hawaiian Islands

  1. An archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, almost all of which is part of the US state of Hawaii.
    • 1922, McCormac, Eugene Irving, “The "Polk Doctrine" and Minor Diplomatic Questions”, in James K. Polk: A Political Biography, Berkeley, Cali.: University of California Press, OCLC 857085372, pages 690-691:
      Polk's first public declaration on the subject appeared in his first annual message of December 2, 1845, and referred to Oregon ; but nearly three months before this he had applied the doctrine to the Hawaiian Islands, and certainly not in the interest of slavery. In September, 1845, Anthony Ten Eyck was sent as agent to the islands, and his instructions prepared under the President's order contained the following significant paragraph :
      Your mission, under existing circumstances, is one of great importance. The United States have a deep stake in the continued independence of the Hawaiian Islands. They present one of those commanding commercial positions which Great Britain, judging from her past history, would be anxious to annex to her dominions. To promote the prosperity and secure the independence of these Islands, is therefore the clear policy as well as the duty of the Government of the United States. We could not view with indifference their transfer to or their dependence upon any European Power.


  • Sandwich Islands (obsolete or historical)




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