Loran-B-type station
station: Loran-B-type station
(问) ask about; enquire:
(闲谈瞎扯) (of at least two persons) talk of anything that occurs to them; switching to another topic as one chooses; drag in irrelevant matters
(闲谈) chat; chitchat:
(闲谈) chat; small talk
(闲谈) chat; talk:
(闲适自得) leisurely and carefree
(阅兵场上用来标志界线的士兵; 群众集会中用来标志某种界线的人) parade guards
(阔绰之举) munificent act
(防备战争) be prepared against war
(阴凉的地方) cool place; shade:
(阴历) a lunar month of 30 days
(阴历) the fourth month of the lunar year; the fourth moon
(阴暗的样子) dim; faint; be eclipsed
(阴沉而冷酷) sombre; glum
(阴谋陷害) plot a frame-up against; plot against sb.
(阵容或力量壮大) imposing; awe-inspiring; formidable
(阵营) camp
(阶段) phase; stage; conclusion of a part:
(阻抑, 损伤) dampen; deflate; blunt; discourage:
(附属国、殖民地最高当局所在地) the capital of a dependency or colony
(附带的文娱活动) entertainment after a meeting or a dinner party
(附着在器物上的干了的粥、糨糊等) crust:
(附近一带) neighbourhood; vicinity:
(附近的地方) vicinity; proximity; close to; in the vicinity of:
(附近街巷) neighbourhood
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