

单词 Haishenwei




From Mandarin 海參崴海参崴 (Hǎishēnwǎi).From Mandarin 海參威海参威 (Hǎishēnwēi).

Proper noun


  1. Synonym of Vladivostok: the Mandarin Chinese-derived name.
    • 1967, McAleavy, Henry, “The Second Opium War”, in The Modern History of China, Frederick A. Praeger, LCCN 66-18911, OCLC 313112191, page 91:
      But a fait accompli even more spectacular than this awaited the Chinese. For the naval officer Nevelskoi had surveyed the Manchurian coast down to the Korean border and had urged successfully that this, too, as far inland as the Ussuri River, must be included in the Tsar’s dominions. At the southern end, in particular, the town of Haishenwei with its harbour would make a splendid port.
    • 1977 October, Alley, Rewi, “To Taching in 1977”, in Eastern Horizon, volume XVI, number 10, Hong Kong: Eastern Horizon Press, ISSN 0012-8813, OCLC 751117974, page 8, column 2:
      Once ships could sail down the river to the Heilungkiang (Amur) and from there on to Haishenwei (Vladivostock) until the way was blocked by the Russians.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:Haishenwei.


Further reading

  • Haishenwei” in TheFreeDictionary.com, Huntingdon Valley, Pa.: Farlex, Inc., 2003–2023.




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