

单词 grusig


Alemannic German


grusig (comparative grusiger, superlative am grusigschte)

  1. Alternative form of gruusig
    • 1981, Drehpunkt, volume 13, number 50 - v. 14, Lenos, OCLC 10451735, page 9:
      Me cha däm Horror säge oder Schweinerei und die grusigschte Wort bruche wo me kennt us de Lintüecher im Puff: dr Dichter cha Affigs mache was är wott, so öppis chunnt i sine Schrifte nie vor.
      One can call that horror or disgrace and use the nastiest words that one knows from the bedlinen in the brothel: the poet can do extravagant things as he pleases, something like this never occurs in his writings.
    • 2021 May 20, Leela Goldmund, Insektenpech: Ein junges Mädchen tauscht Erleuchtung gegen Leben (in German), BoD – Books on Demand, →ISBN, OCLC 1244020194, page 35:
      „Nei“, antwortete ich, „das isch eigentlich ganz guet! Dä Anke isch viel grusiger.“12
      „Bisch du doof, du muesch halt Piinatbötter statt Butter ässe!“13
      “I ha dä Änglisch Piinatbötter nöd gärn. Dä isch no viel grusiger als de Porridge.“14
      „No“, I reploed, „this is actually quite good! The butter is a lot more disgusting.“12
      „Are you stupid, you just have to eat peanut butter instead of butter!“13
      “I don't like the English peanut butter. It is even a lot more disgusting than the Porridge.“14



  1. Alternative form of gruusig
    • 2013 October 23, Sylvia Sempert, Na meh Guet Nacht-Gschichtli, Schwabe AG, →ISBN, OCLC 778326227:
      's Hündli isch verschrocke und hät de Walti abället wie nöd gschid. Da drab isch de Walti au wider grusig verschrocke und grad hindersi umgfalle, und erscht na in en Wassergunte ine! Das isch z'vill gsi ufs Mal, und dä arm Walterli hät schüli agfange briegge.
      The little dog got scared and barked [loudly] at Walti. Because of this, Walti [also] got very scared and immediately fell over backwards and, [to make matters worse], right into a puddle of water! That was too much at once and poor little Walter started crying [loudly].




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