

单词 gruppo di pressione

gruppo di pressione



Literally, group of pressure.


gruppo di pressione m (plural gruppi di pressione)

  1. (politics) pressure group, lobby
    • 2020, Barack Obama, chapter 11, in Chicca Galli; Paolo Lucca; Giuseppe Maugeri, transl., Una terra promessa [A Promised Land], Garzanti Libri:
      Nel frattempo, però, la loro influenza sul Partito repubblicano era stata soppiantata da quella di ideologi miliardari come David e Charles Koch, che avevano speso decenni e milioni di dollari per la sistematica costruzione di un network di think tank, gruppi di pressione, mezzi di comunicazione e uomini politici, tutto con il dichiarato intento di abbattere le ultime vestigia del moderno stato sociale.
      But their influence over the Republican Party had by then been supplanted by billionaire ideologues like David and Charles Koch, who had spent decades and hundreds of millions of dollars systematically building a network of think tanks, advocacy organizations, media operations, and political operatives, all with the express goal of rolling back every last vestige of the modern welfare state.
      (literally, “In the meantime, their influence on the Republican Party had been supplanted by that of billionaire ideologues like David and Charles Koch, who had spent decades and millions of dollars for the systematic construction of a network of think tanks, pressure groups, mediums of communication and politicians, all with the declared intent of bringing down the last vestiges of the modern welfare state.”)




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