

单词 greatest thing since sliced bread

greatest thing since sliced bread


Sliced bread: the universal benchmark of greatness.


  • (file)


greatest thing since sliced bread

  1. (idiomatic) Something very good, especially a relatively recent invention likely to improve people's lives.
    • 1962, Jeanne Boardman, letter to "Hints from Heloise", St. Joseph, Missouri, Gazette (Wednesday, December 19, 1962), page 5:
      This column is about the greatest thing since sliced bread.
    • 1978, Joe Girard, Stanley H. Brown, How to Sell Anything to Anybody, page 104:
      Because if he starts to write a check for the full amount and I say, "Take off $250", or "I'll throw in door-guard trim and five steel radials for nothing", Charley is going to think I am the greatest thing since sliced bread.
    • 2007, David S. Platt, Why Software Sucks: ...and What You Can Do About It, page 208:
      It was the greatest thing since sliced bread when it first came out, and I remember selling a big project to a customer by demonstrating it.


  • best thing since sliced bread
  • best thing since sliced pan


See also

  • greatest thing since sliced bread on Wikipedia.Wikipedia




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