

单词 great circle arc

great circle arc



great circle arc (plural great circle arcs)

  1. Alternative form of great-circle arc
    • 2011, David C. Kay, College Geometry: A Unified Development, CRC Press (→ISBN), page 569:
      If the string is gradually pulled tight, it begins to assume the position of what appears to be a great circle arc PAQ.
    • 2012, I. M. Gelfand, S. V. Fomin, Calculus of Variations, Courier Corporation (→ISBN)
      For example, a great circle arc on a given sphere is the shortest curve joining its end points if the arc consists of less than half a circle, ...
    • 1985, Robin M. Green, Robin Michael Green, Spherical Astronomy, Cambridge University Press (→ISBN), page 14:
      The shortest distance between these two points is the great circle arc XY which is a part of the spherical triangle NXY.




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