

单词 godwilling





  1. Alternative form of God willing
    • 1570, The Scholemaster: Or Plaine and Perfite Way of Teachyng:
      But, of all kinde of pasttimes, fitte so: a Gentleman, I will, godwilling, in a fitter place, more at large, declare fullie, in my booke of the Cockpitte; which I do write, to satisfie font, I trust, with som reason, that be more curious, in making other mens doinges, than carefull in mendyng their owne faultes.
    • 1887, Richard Boyle Earl of Cork, ‎Alexander Balloch Grosart, The Lismore Papers of Richard Boyle:
      That I may cleare all men againe in generall & then, godwilling, I will not desire a penny more then I haue received, till the sow Ironn cast do countervaile it.
    • 2008, Michael H. Phillips, Diacatholicon, page 46:
      Knowing that there are seven hundred and twenty radii, I might calculate, godwilling, the number of seven day cycles that I had endured since the cessation of my toil, if I knew the number of times I had traversed each of the seven hundred and twenty radii, but I did not.




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