leather coloring
coloring: leather coloring
(发出的同一个命令) a general [circular] order
(发呆) stare blankly; be in a daze; be stupefied
(发怒时瞪眼睛) angry stare
(发怒) flush with anger; get angry:
(发怒) see red; become infuriated
(发扬) carry forward; develop
(发挥) make the most of; make full use of; bring into full play:
(发现) find; detect; realize; discover:
(发生冲突) clash; squabble
(发电报来) send a telegram here; inform by telegram
(发电机)motor generator
(发网) hairnet
(发落; 惩治) punish:
(发音不清楚的人) lisper
(叔父) father's younger brother; uncle
(取其精华, 去其糟粕) develop what is useful or healthy and discard what is not
(取样器) a sharp-pointed metal tube used to extract samples of grains, etc. from sacks
(取消) dissolve; disband:
(取熔融玻璃用的) pontil
(受有封号的贵妇) mandated woman
(受水淹的地区) inundated area:
(受润泽; 沉浸在) bathe; immerse:
(受责备) get a talking-to; be told off; get a dressing down
(受雇用的工人) hired labourer [hand; worker]
(变得强大) grow:
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