

单词 gliich


Alemannic German

Alternative forms

  • glich


From Middle High German glīch. Cognate with German gleich.


  • IPA(key): /ɡ̊liːx/



  1. identical (being the same entity)
  2. equal (being different entities that are equivalent in all (relevant) regards)
    • 2012, Hans Stalder, Bäärnerplatte & Dichterwii: Ein Roman in Mundart, Weber AG Verlag, →ISBN, OCLC 1281547952:
      Will beid die schaffusischi Galauniform traage, wo bis uf e Fäderebusch genau gliich isch wie die vo de Franzoose, wäärde beid i ds Visier gnoo u erschosse.
      Because both wear the Schaffhausen gala uniform that is, apart from the hackle, exactly the same as the one of the French, both are taken into the sights and shot.
  3. (colloquial, predicative) unimportant (to the speaker)
    öpperem gliich siito be unimportant to someone (literally, “to be the same to someone”)
    Isch mer gliich!I don't care!
    Isch doch gliich!It doesn't matter anyway!

Derived terms

  • Gliiche m, Gliichi f, Gliichs n
  • gliichig, gliichlig
  • drgliiche
  • gliiche
  • Gliichig



  1. equally
    gliich guetequally good
  2. still; nevertheless; notwithstanding
    Synonyms: doch, trotzdem
    • 1970, Otto Uehlinger, Am Trottefüür: Erzählungen in Schaffhauser Mundart, Peter Meili, LCCN 70543127, OCLC 39389757, page 12:
      Aber dänn ischt im en Gedanke choo, wo-n-en trööschtet hät: «Ich mache moorn der Mueter aamfach e Freud; und wänns dänn gliich uuschunnt, so schimpft si sicher nid eso fescht.» Druf abe hät er chöne iischlooffe.
      But then a thought came to his mind that consoled him: “Tomorrow, I'll just make my mother's day; and if it still comes to light, then she surely won't scold me so badly.” Thereupon he was able to fall asleep.
    • 1972, Albert Bächtold, S isch groote (Gesamtwerk in Einzelausgaben), Peter Meili, →ISBN, LCCN 74340831, OCLC 14573720, page 34:
      Und isch gliich nid zfride.
      And [he/she/it] is nevertheless not satisfied.
    • 2004, Harry Fuchs, Paul G. Schneider, Schtärneföifi, Züritüütsch isch aifach schön (The contemporary media language series; 2), Books on Demand, →ISBN, OCLC 76635723, page 138:
      Ich ha's gwüsst und ha mich gliich verwütsche laa, ich Löli
      I knew it and yet I've let myself get caught, silly me
  3. (regional, rare) Alternative form of gli: soon




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