argillaceous marl
marl: argillaceous marl
(笨重) unwieldy; heavy; bulky; cumbersome:
(第一天) the first day
(第一次犯罪) first offense; first crime; commit an offence for the first time
(第一胎生下的孩子) the firstborn child
(第一) in the first place; first of all; above all; [拉] primo:
(第五更) the fifth watch of the night; just before dawn:
(等候到) wait until; wait till:
(等级; 地位) position; grade; rank
(答复的话) a verbal message in reply; reply:
(筹划; 筹办) plan and prepare
(简单容易) easy; simple:
(简单扼要) briefly; in broad outline
(简单易理解) (of a piece of writing) easy; plain
(算得上) be considered:
(算术) arithmetic
(算计) reckon up
(管状用具) probe; sound; a thin tube (used to extract samples of food, grains, etc.)
(管理家务) housekeep
(管理家庭或集体财产、事物的人) manager; housekeeper:
(管理银钱物出入的处所) accountant's office
(管钱物出入的人) accountant
(箭、矛、鱼钩等尖端的小钩) barb
(簸或盛粮食用) winnowing fan; fan
(簸箕形指纹) loop (of a fingerprint)
(米粉条) rice-flour noodles
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