

单词 gentleman of the back door

gentleman of the back door



gentleman of the back door (plural gentlemen of the back door)

  1. (rare) A man, chiefly a homosexual, who has anal sex.
    • 2006 June 18, Philkin Pilcher Klimtin, “Perkoff FAQ.”, in alt.snuh, Usenet:
      Perkoff is a Gentleman of the Back Door.
    • 2013, Jeanette Winterson, Art & Lies: A Piece for Three Voices and a Bawd, →ISBN:
      Doll Sneerpiece closed the book. Ruggiero, a Gentleman of the Back Door? Ruggiero, preferring a leg of lamb to proper English beef? Ruggiero, importing Turkish wares to an honest English stall? 'Well then,' said the Doll, 'If it is Sodomy he wants, then a Sodomite he shall have.'
    • 2017, P Ackroyd, Queer City: Gay London from the Romans to the Present Day:
      Queers were often called 'backgammon players' or 'gentlemen of the back door', sometimes engaged in 'caterwauling'.


  • back gammon player, usher of the back door


  • [Francis] Grose [et al.] (1811), Gentleman of the back door”, in Lexicon Balatronicum. A Dictionary of Buckish Slang, University Wit, and Pickpocket Eloquence. [], London: Printed for C. Chappell, [], OCLC 23927885.




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