

单词 fra A til B

fra A til B

Norwegian Bokmål


A diagram of a vector from A to B

Possibly from the common practice of labelling points using letters of the alphabet, and then referring to motion from one point to another as “from A to B”, and so on.


  • IPA(key): /ˈfrɑː ɑː tɪl beː/
  • Rhymes: -eː
  • Hyphenation: fra‧A‧til‧B

Prepositional phrase

fra A til B

  1. from A to B, (from one point to the next; from the beginning of a trip to the end.)
    • 2013 December 17, Harstad Tidende:
      i distriktene … der de som skal fra A til B, mangler alternative transportmidler som t-bane og tog
      in the districts… where those going from A to B lack alternative means of transport such as the metro and trains
  2. (colloquial) signifying a short (time) distance
    jeg er blitt så glemsk – husker ikke fra A til B
    I have become so forgetfull - do not remember from A to B
  • fra A til Å


  • “a” in Det Norske Akademis ordbok (NAOB).




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