

单词 forced march

forced march



forced march (plural forced marches)

  1. (military) A movement on foot by soldiers or prisoners of war, who must, in order to satisfy a military requirement, travel at a speed or in adverse conditions that would normally tire them excessively.
    • 1885, Ulysses S. Grant, chapter 28, in Personal memoirs of U.S. Grant:
      I did not believe this possible because of the distance and the condition of the roads, which was bad; besides, troops after a forced march of twenty miles are not in a good condition for fighting the moment they get through.
    • 1914, Joseph A. Altsheler, chapter 4, in The Scouts of Stonewall:
      [M]any of their leaders could not yet wholly believe that Jackson and his army, making a forced march in the dead of winter, were at hand.
    • 2001 June 24, Howard Chua-Eoan, "War of the Worlds," Time (retrieved 8 August 2013):
      American and Filipino prisoners from the fall of Corregidor in 1942 were refused food and water on a six-day, 97-km forced march to their place of confinement at Camp O'Donnell.


See also

  • loaded march
  • death march
  • just march




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