

单词 finochia




finochia (plural not attested)

  1. Archaic spelling of finocchio.
    • 1735, Philip Miller, The Gardeners Dictionary (1st ed., C. Rivington), volume 1, “Foeniculum”:
      The Finochia is a Plant which of late Years has been introduc’d into the Engliſh Gardens, where it is cultivated as a Salad-herb, and is by ſome People very much eſteem’d, tho’ the Generality of Engliſh Palates do not at preſent reliſh it; but ſince it is likely to become of more general Uſe, I ſhall give a ſhort Account of its Culture.
    • 1841, The Farm and the Garden (T.M. Cradock), page 55:
      The Sweet fennel — Fœniculum dulce — comes from Syria and the Azores; this is probably the kind mentioned by French authors; it is cultivated in Italy as a salad herb, under the name of Finochia, and is sometimes grown in England; but it soon degenerates here into the common fennel, and the seed requires to be annually obtained from Italy; when blanched like celery it is very tender and crisp.
    • 1950, Athene: The American Magazine of Hellenic Thought (Athene Enterprises, Inc.), volumes 11–12, page 36:
      No celery with the appetizer array, finochia instead, the Greeks favor its flavor — definitely anise.




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