

单词 femslasher




femslash + -er


femslasher (plural femslashers)

  1. (fandom slang) A person who writes femslash and/or supports female-female ships.
    • 2013, Julie Levin Russo, "Textual orientation: Queer female fandom online", in The Routledge Companion to Media & Gender (eds. Cynthia Carter, Linda Steiner, & Lisa McLaughlin), page 457:
      Femslashers follow onscreen lesbian couples alongside their subtextual favorites and have often clamored for one of the latter characters to “come out” on television.
    • 2018, Rukmini Pande, Squee from the Margins: Fandom and Race, page 165:
      This erasure was criticized by both femslashers and nonwhite fans of other genres, who pointed out how these selections of what is considered noteworthy in fan texts perpetuate and reinscribe erasures and biases within fan communities (allofthefeelings 2015).
    • 2019, anonymous, quoted in Ebony Elizabeth Thomas, The Dark Fantastic: Race and the Imagination from Harry Potter to the Hunger Games, page 99:
      The way that femslashers are treated in this fandom is disgusting.
    • For more examples of usage of this term, see Citations:femslasher.




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