

单词 Fat Frog

Fat Frog



Fat Frog (plural Fat Frogs)

  1. A green alcoholic mixed drink, made from a clear vodka, an orange rum breezer, and a blue (WKD) vodka
    • 2009, Jim Connolly, The Culchie's Guide to Dublin, Mercier Press Ltd, →ISBN, page 22:
      [] northsiders are fairly easy to spot. D'accent is a far'ly obviees characteristic, but in case you're out of earshot there are a number of giveaways that you can rely on: []
      • Blokes who walk on the balls of their feet whilst swinging their shoulders
      • Anyone ordering a Fat Frog at the bar
      • Blokes with gold chains on display outside of their clothes
      • Anyone wearing a Dubs jersey
      All joking aside, []
    • 2019 February 21, Myles Byrne, The Wicked Wit of Ireland, Michael O'Mara Books, →ISBN:
      This is Pat Fitzpatrick's satirical response: ' [] All they want to do is drink Fat Frogs and flash their boobs while he likes to cry over nothing and sometimes go to fortune tellers.'
    • 2020 February 1, Lonely Planet; Fionn Davenport, Lonely Planet Dublin, Lonely Planet, →ISBN:
      [] that is, if your idea of fun is mixing it with a bunch of laws and lasses from the north of England, egging each other on to show off their family jewels and daring one another to drain 10 Fat Frogs in a row, in front of a bemused audience of Spanish and Italian tourists, sharing one glass of Guinness per group. You've been warned!
    • 2020 October 29, Johnny McMahon; Johnny O'Brien, C'mere and I Tell Ya: The 2 Johnnies Guide to Irish Life, Penguin UK, →ISBN:
      There are two bars, and one of them only sells cans– 500 ml cans of Budweiser or Bulmers, that's the drinks list. The other bar has a special on Fat Frogs. The queue is four deep. Fifty-euro notes are waved in the air in an effort to []
    • 2022 June 22, Em Brown, Entangled Mafia Princess: A Dark Captive Romance Beginning, Em Brown, →ISBN:
      Satisfied, I go with them to the bar. [] We all start off with Guinness, then some of the guys and Ciara move onto hard liquor while Hannah opts for a Fat Frog and Fiona goes for another Guinness.




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