

单词 fare emergere

fare emergere



Literally, to make emerge.


fàre emergere (first-person singular present fàccio emergere, first-person singular past historic féci emergere, past participle fàtto emergere, first-person singular imperfect facévo emergere, second-person singular imperative fài emergere or fà' emergere, auxiliary avére) (transitive)

  1. to bring out (evoke or emphasize)
    fa emergere il meglio di noi
    it brings out the best in us
  2. to bring to light
    • 2020 October 25, Paolo Rodari, “Gregory, il primo cardinale afroamericano. La scelta anti Trump di Bergoglio [Gregory, the first African American cardinal. Bergoglio's anti-Trump choice]”, in la Repubblica:
      Quando fu capo dei vescovi del suo Paese, tra il 2001 e il 2004, lottò per far emergere lo scandalo degli abusi sessuali su minori commessi da preti.
      When he was the head of bishops in his country, between 2001 and 2004, he fought to bring to light the scandal of the sexual abuse of minors committed by priests.




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