

单词 faredodger


See also: fare-dodger and fare dodger



faredodger (plural faredodgers)

  1. Alternative form of fare dodger
    • 1980, Himmat, Volume 17, unknown page:
      Queue jumpers and faredodgers are far from being an Indian phenomenon.
    • 1987, R. W. Faulks, Bus and Coach Operation, Butterworths (1987), page 199:
      [] roving inspectors to make spot checks in order to deter faredodgers.
    • 1995, Changes in Society, Crime and Ciminal Justice in Europe: A Challenge for Criminal Justice in Europe (eds. Cyrille Fijnaut, Johan Goethals, Tony Peters, & Lode Walgrave), Kluwer Law International (1995), →ISBN, page 183:
      Police officers and prosecutors were forced to spend sizeable proportions of their capacity on arresting and prosecuting faredodgers.
    • 2002, Ian Parker, "Traffic", in Autopia: Cars and Culture (eds. Peter Wollen & Joe Kerr), Reaktion Books (2002), →ISBN, page 300:
      The shortest green times in London are about ten seconds (these are the nervy, scampering green phases where cars dash across Oxford Street, or out into Piccadilly — with the last, guilty car trying to merge with the group in front, like a faredodger shuffling behind you through an automatic Underground ticket barrier).
    • 2004, Neil Ten Kortenaar, Self, Nation, Text in Salman Rushdie's Midnight Children, McGill-Queen's University Press (2004), →ISBN, page 205:
      Where once his parents had ridden in a train to Delhi and resisted the desperate appeals to be let in, made by those without tickets hanging on the outside, Saleem is now himself a faredodger on the train to the capital, clamouring for admittance.
    • 2004, "That left eye looked Clint Eastwoodish to me", Daily Mail, 7 October 2004:
      You stand up, say you're going to build more prisons, lock up burglars, place more bobbies on the beat and give your Gatling gun a good, chattering workout next time you spot a faredodger on the bus.
    • 2010, "Indian railways", Socialist Standard, January 2010, page 21:
      Currently some 6 million faredodgers every year find out just how far their ownership of Indian Railways extends.




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