

单词 false note

false note



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false note (plural false notes)

  1. (music) An incorrect note which is sung or played in a musical performance.
    • 1819, Washington Irving, "The Lovers" in Bracebridge Hall:
      Sometimes he even thrums a little on the piano, and takes a part in a trio, in which his voice can generally be distinguished by a certain quavering tone, and an occasional false note.
    • 1860, Wilkie Collins, chapter 15, in The Woman in White:
      Her fingers wavered on the piano—she struck a false note, confused herself in trying to set it right, and dropped her hands angrily on her lap.
  2. (idiomatic, by extension) In a remark or narrative, an indication (as discerned by the listener or reader) of untruth, insincerity, or inconsistency.
    • 1900, Fergus Hume, chapter 25, in The Bishop's Secret:
      [H]is words were grave, his manner was earnest, and his speech came from the fulness of his heart. If there had been a false note, a false look, Harry would have detected both.
    • 1990 Sep. 14, Janet Maslin, "Movie Review: White Hunter Black Heart (1990)," New York Times (retrieved 16 April 2015):
      The screenplay . . . even suggests that this contributed to the false note on which The African Queen actually ends.
    • 2010 Dec. 10, Brigitte Weeks, "Book World: From its opening car crash, Anita Shreve's character-driven Rescue is worth the ride," Washington Post (retrieved 16 April 2015):
      Shreve creates a little world, peoples it with believable characters, and puts them through agonizing and joyful moments without a false note or a dissonant figure of speech.
  3. (idiomatic, by extension) In a non-verbal display or presentation, an indication of incongruity or inappropriateness.
    • 2009 Feb. 20, Hilary Alexander, "London Fashion Week: Caroline Charles," Telegraph (UK) (retrieved 16 April 2015):
      The only false note in an otherwise classic and elegant collection was the gratuitous flash of black fishnet stockings and suspenders under otherwise unremarkable paisley and floral shirts.


See also

  • strike a false note, hit a false note




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