

单词 after-reward



Alternative forms

  • afterreward, after reward


From Middle English after-reward, equivalent to after- + reward.


after-reward (plural after-rewards)

  1. A reward that follows or which comes after
    • 1876, The Pall Mall Budget:
      The Christian acted distinctly for a selfish end — “pro remedio minus,” the heathen may often have acted (as M. Allard unfairly assumes that he always did) from vanity or caprice, but he surely sometimes acted from a sense of right without hope of afterreward.
    • 1890, The Charities Register and Digest, page 523:
      After 18 months' industrial training, with daily secular and religious instruction, inmates are sent to service, with an adequate outfit, and obtain certain after rewards and gratuities, if deserved, by good conduct in their situations.
    • 1902, Queen's Quarterly, volume 9-10, page 44:
      It is as if he said: the glory is not an external afterreward of the shame; the glory is in the shame; the life in the death.
    • 2012, Rachel Singer Gordon, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Couponing:
      This system works at any drugstore chain. Each offers different free or cheap after-rewards items every week, so keep rolling your rewards to pick up different HBA (health-and-beauty aisle) items all the time.
    • 2013, Charlotte Mason, Home Education:
      What is the after-reward for taking pains in the act of seeing?




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