

单词 ensinar a un pai a facer fillos

ensinar a un pai a facer fillos



Literally, "to teach a father to make children".


ensinar a un pai a facer fillos

  1. (idiomatic) Used when somebody tries to teach something to someone who is, or presumes to be, experienced
    • 2000, Annick Englebert (ed.), Actes du XXIIe Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes Bruxelles, 23-29 juillet 1998 (→ISBN):
      "Vas ensinar a un pai a facer fillos!", emprégase cando alguén pretende dar leccións a outro que sabe mais diso ca el: "Hai vinte anos que conduzo e ti quéresme aprender a colle-las curvas, vaslle ensinar a un pai a facer fillos!"
      "Vas ensinar a un pai a facer fillos!", it is used when someone wants to lesson other who is more knowledgeable than him or her: "I've been driving for twenty years and now you want to teach me how to drive through curves... you're going to teach a father to make children!"




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