hard grinding stone
stone: hard grinding stone
对外商品交换 exchange of commodities in foreign trade;
对外工作 external work; work in the field of external relations;
对外广播 overseas broadcast;
对外广播节目 radio program for listeners overseas;
对外开放 opening up [policy]; opening to the outside world;
对外开放地区 open district;
对外开放的基地 base for implementing the open policy;
对外开放的窗口 window open to the outside world;
对外开放, 对内搞活经济的政策 policy of opening to the outside world and invigorating [enlivening] the domestic economy;
对外成交 do business with foreign firms;
对外扩张 external expansion;
对外承包公司 foreign contract company;
对外承包工程 contract foreign projects; contract projects abroad;
对外技术援助 foreign technical assistance;
对外投资 investments abroad; investment in foreign countries;
对外投资利润额 income on investments abroad;
对外援助 foreign aid [assistance];
对外支付差额 balance of external payments;
对外政策 external [foreign] policy;
对外服务公司 foreign service company;
对外检疫规章 foreign quarantine regulation;
对外清偿能力 external liquidity;
对外短期负债 external short-term liabilities;
对外窗口 the window to the outside world;
对外经济关系 China's economic relations with foreign countries;
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