get out countenance
countenance: get out countenance
(标出值得注意的语句) mark words and phrases for special attention with dots or small circles
(栏杆) railing; banisters; balustrade
(树枝歧出的) crotched; forked
(树根或树枝盘绕交错) (of roots and branches) intertwining
(校勘时作为依据的本子) a text against which other texts are checked
(根据已定的标准, 严格检查, 防止差错) check on strictly; examine carefully to see if sth. is done according to the fixed standard; make the final check:
(根本否定) repudiate; cancel; reverse:
(根源) source; root
(根芥菜) root-mustard (俗称“疙瘩菜”)
(梆子曲调) the music of such operas
(检查人员) inspector; customs officer:
(检查后收下)check and accept:
(棉被胎) a cotton wadding; cotton batting
(棒状物) stick:
(森严可畏) awe-inspiring
(植物的) tassel:
(植被旺盛) exuberant; luxuriant
(椰枣果实) date
(楷书 ) regular script
(榧子树种子) Chinese torreya nut
(榫头安好; 熨贴) fit the tenon into the mortise; feel at ease
(模仿) imitate; emulate:
(模糊不清) indistinctly observable in the distance:
(横断面)水平路堑 level cutting;
(横机的)移圈套针板 decker;
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