fingered citron
citron: fingered citron
(布置兵力) dispose (troops, etc.); deploy:
(帆) sail
(师傅的儿子中年龄比自己大的) the son of one's master (older than oneself)
(师傅的儿子中年龄比自己小的) the son of one's master (younger than oneself)
(师徒相传的学问、技术) knowledge or technique handed down by one's master
(希望事情成全) try to round sth. off; try to bring sth. to a satisfactory conclusion:
(希望) hope:
(希望) wish; like; want:
(希罕的事物) rare thing; rarity:
(帝王) the Emperor
(带兵者) a military officer
(带领; 携带) lead; take along; take with one; marshal
(带领) lead; guide
(帮别人说话) speak in support of sb.; echo sb.; back (sb. up); chime in with sb.; give vocal support:
(帮工的人) helper; journeymen; work assistant
(帷子) curtain
(常事) common occurrence; routine; all in the day's work; usual practice
(帽楦) hat block
(干什么) what to do:
(干部下放) transfer (cadres) to work at lower levels; transfer (cadres, etc.) to work at the grass-roots level or to do manual labour in the countryside or in a factory
(平安) safe and sound
(平常) ordinary; unimportant:
(平息) quell; pacify; suppress; put down:
(平时) everyday; week day
(年幼无知的儿童) ignorant children
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