

单词 dietro le quinte

dietro le quinte



Literally, behind the wings.

Prepositional phrase

dietro le quinte

  1. (idiomatic) behind the scenes
    • 2020, Barack Obama, chapter 10, in Chicca Galli; Paolo Lucca; Giuseppe Maugeri, transl., Una terra promessa [A Promised Land], Garzanti Libri:
      In un qualsiasi momento della giornata poteva comparire Rahm per chiedere come intendessi gestire una qualche disputa politica od organizzativa appena profilatasi, e dietro le quinte non mancavano i primi litigi – sui titoli, sulle aree di competenza, sull'accesso, sui posti auto –, come si conviene a ogni nuova amministrazione.
      At various points in the day Rahm might pop in to ask me how I wanted to handle some emerging policy or organizational dispute, and behind the scenes there was no shortage of the early jockeying—over titles, turf, access, parking spots—that characterizes any new administration.
      (literally, “At any moment in the day Rahm could show up to ask how I intended to manage some political or organizational dispute as soon as it emerged, and behind the scenes there was no lack of first quarrels – on titles, on areas of competence, on access, on parking spots – as befits every new administration.”)




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