

单词 adonize


See also: Adonize



adonize (third-person singular simple present adonizes, present participle adonizing, simple past and past participle adonized)

  1. Alternative form of adonise
    • 1825, Sarah Green, Parents and wives; or, Inconsistency and mistakes, page 186:
      but he positively said he must first "go "to Paris, as he wanted many auxiliaries to his toilet, only to be met with there, and he must have every thing proper to adonize his person on this important occasion.
    • 1833, A. Whitelaw, The republic of letters: a selection in poetry and prose, page 153:
      "Forget what I hae been yelpin about politics, but dinna forget to hand up your wee finger on Sunday at the window to the first pair o' white hose ye see, when you want a shave," and gathering up his various implements of trade, and offering me, as usual, a vale, Domine, off flew Ritchie Falconer to adonize and amuse some other customer.
    • 1835, George Sand (Ralph Waldo Emerson, trans), Notes d'un Voyageur:
      It is not because they wear three pair of breeches, one over the other, that they arrive perfectly dry & clean, in spite of rain & mud: it is not because they have woolen wigs, that their stiff & wiry frisure def(y)ies moisture: it is not because they go loaded each with as much pomade, brushes & soap as would serve to adonize a whole regiment of Bas Breton(s) conscripts, that they have always the beard smooth, & the nails irreproachable: it is because the external air has not touched them: it is because they walk, drink, sleep & eat in their fluid, as in a glass bell of 20 feet of thickness, & across which they behold with pity the cavaliers whose hair the wind discomposes, & the foot-passenger whose shoes the snow soils.
    • 1842, Edward Hungerford & D. Elers Napier, Excursions along the shores of the Mediterranean, page 308:
      After visiting the soko we returned to Mr. Benoliel's hotel, to adonize for the dinner we were to partake of at Mr. Hay's, to whose house we repaired about five, found a small party assembled in his very snug dining-room, and sat down to a capital dinner, and very good wine of our host's own growth and manufacture, and to which he had given the classical name of Ampelusian, the old nomenclature bestowed on this part of the country by the Greeks, in consequence of the then excellence of its wines.
    • 1998, Richard John Boileau Walker, The Nelson portraits, page 49:
      in November the artist was able to see the actual orders for himself, repaint them and adjust the assembly of the three brooches, but to M'Arthur's annoyance was unable to resist softening the face - 'to adonize it' in M'Arthur's telling phrase.
    • 2000, Boris A. Kupershmidt, KP Or MKP: Noncommutative Mathematics of Lagrangian, Hamiltonian, and Integrable Systems, →ISBN, page 227:
      In this Section we adonize the Lax equations of 89.1 into an infinite commuting hierarchy in the space of dressing variables.


  • anodize




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