

单词 Democreep


See also: democreep


Alternative forms

  • democreep


Blend of Democrat + creep.


Democreep (plural Democreeps)

  1. (US politics, Internet slang, derogatory) A Democrat.
    Synonym: Demoncrat
    Hyponyms: Dhimmicrat, DemoKKKrat, Homocrat
    Antonyms: Retardican, Rethuglican
    • 1999 February 14, Linus F. Zimmerman, “"You stupid fuckers LOST!!! Bwahaahaahaahaahaa!!!!!!"”, in alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, Usenet, retrieved 2022-01-30:
      Remember The Clarence Thomas hearings before the Senate? Democreeps could not STAND to have a Conservative African American on the Supreme Court.
      Result: All out war on Judge Thomas. Anita Hill was resurrected and given the "victim" treatment by the Democreeps, the press and the NOW coven of witches.
    • 2002 July 31, keith, “democreep Torricelli avoids jail, gets pathetic slap on wrist”, in alt.rush-limbaugh, Usenet, retrieved 2022-01-30:
      Senate democreep Torricelli, guilty of the same felony crimes that earned Traficant an 8 year jail term, has received an "admonishment" from his fellow democreep Senators and spineless Republicans.
    • 2002 October 31, Ray, “Wellstone Memorial Turns Into a Beautiful & Sickening DemoCreep Hate Fest!”, in alt.politics.democrats.d, Usenet, retrieved 2022-01-30:
      Gov. Jesse Ventura said it was sick. DemoCreeps were dancing on Wellstone's grave.
    • 2007 September 22, Broom Hilda, “05-07 Dakota 3.9 Fuel milage info”, in alt.autos.dodge.trucks, Usenet, retrieved 2022-01-30:
      How do you think she's going to pay for her rehashed version of Nationalized Social Healthcare? Democreeps have never met a tax they didn't like.




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