

单词 Democrap




Blend of Democrat + crap.


Democrap (plural Democraps)

  1. (US politics, Internet slang, derogatory, mildly vulgar) A Democrat.
    Synonyms: commiecrat, Democreep, Democunt, Demoncrat, Nazicrat
    Antonyms: Republicant, Republicunt, Retardican, Rethuglican
    Hyponyms: DemoKKKrat, Dhimmicrat, Homocrat
    • 2007 July 27, cuts success @dc.gov DOW UP 20 % in 12 Months : Another Bush Tax Cut Success, “Republican Candidates Afraid of YouTube Debates”, in alt.politics.bush, Usenet, retrieved 2022-04-28:
      We had a Democrap in the White house and he let those 20 taliban Hijackers into the US to plan their 9-11 Attack. You lose again skank maggot.
    • 2008 August 19, Tiger Luck, “Democrap caught in $3.5 Million Scandal : AP Refuses to Identify him as Democrap”, in alt.politics.bush, Usenet, retrieved 2022-04-28:
      > What in the fuck is a "Democrap?"
      It's a lot like a Republiscum, only blue.
    • 2010 December 31, k00kery@gwk00ks.org UK Spanked With100 yr Record Cold Global Warming, “Democrap Labor Union Thugs Fuck over NYC Democraps! ROFLMAO! LOVIN IT !”, in alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, Usenet, retrieved 2022-04-28:
      Democraps bend over & drop their pants for Democrap labor Union thugs and they get fucked Again with a snow job ! LOL!




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