

单词 de la

de la

See also: dela, delà, dēlā, and dēla



  • IPA(key): /də la/
  • (file)


de la f (masculine du, plural des)

  1. of the
  2. some; the feminine partitive article
    Voudriez-vous de la confiture ?Would you like some jam?
    J'ai mangé de la tarteI ate some pie.

Usage notes

  • While English does have the partitive determiner some, the French article de la frequently translates to nothing at all in English; for example, the above example « J'ai mangé de la tarte » could also be translated simply as “I ate pie.”
  • Like the definite article la (from which it derives), the partitive article de la undergoes elision, becoming de l'- before most words that start with vowel sounds.

Further reading

  • de la”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.



de + la, literally, from at.


de la (+accusative)

  1. from (spatial, relational, causal)
    Synonyms: de, din (not interchangeable)
    Au furat ceva de la casa ta.They stole something from your house.
    Am învățat mult de la tine.I've learned a lot from you.
    Am obosit de la citit.I'm tired from reading.
    de la A la Zfrom A to Z
    de la distanțăfrom afar
  2. from, since (temporal)
    Synonyms: de, din (not interchangeable, see notes)
    Este treaz de la ora opt.He is awake since eight o'clock.
    de la începutfrom the beginning
  3. by (instrumental)
    de la sineby itself
  4. Word to join the parts of a compound; sometimes corresponding to "of".
    Synonym: de
    buzunar de la pantalonpant pocket
    apă de la robinettap water
    abatere de la legebreach of law

Usage notes

  • When constructing phrases of the form "from X to Y", it is usually accompanied by "(până) la": "de la X (până) la Y"

(since (temporal)):

de la is usually used together with a fixed point in time (though not with dates):

de la ora nouăsince nine o'clock
de la ianuariesince January

din is usually used together with dates or in certain expressions:

din (anul) 2000since (the year) 2000
din acel momentfrom that moment on

de is usually used for time frames:

de un anfor a year
de mult timpfor a long time

Derived terms

  • de la sine
  • de la distanță, de la depărtare
  • de la început, de la bun început
  • de la cap la coadă
  • de la un capăt la altul
  • de la A la Z
  • de la Ana la Caiafa
  • de la egal la egal
  • de la caz la caz



  • IPA(key): /de la/ [d̪e la]
  • Syllabification: de la


de la

  1. of the




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