elementary material particle
particle: elementary material particle
(谄媚者) sycophant; toady
(谈笑) talk and laugh at
(谈论过去事情的话) remarks about the old days
(谈论) talk over; discuss:
(谈话、写文章没有中心,离题甚远) straying far from the subject; rambling; discursive
(谋取的不正当利益) easy gains; spoils:
(谦称自己的别名) my humble style (name)
(豆腐乳) fermented bean curd
(豆薯) yam bean
(豪迈,不拘束) bold and generous; unconstrained
(豪迈, 不拘束) bold and generous; unconstrained
(豪迈, 不拘束) untrammelled by convention; casual; unconventional
(负伤) be wounded in action:
(负担) millstone round one's neck; load; weight; encumbrance; burden:
(负编缉工作的主要责任) supervise the publication of (a newspaper, magazine, etc.); edit:
(负责修理) be responsible for the repair [overhaul] (of a machine):
(负责指挥调度的人) dispatcher; controller
(财主) moneybags
(财政权利) financial power:
(财物或权力的所有人) owner; proprietor; possessor:
(责任制) system of responsibility
(责任重) very heavy; weighty:
(责备) call sb. on the carpet; call [haul] over the coals; bring sb. to book:
(贤惠) (of a woman) virtuous
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