

单词 còrd ri

còrd ri

Scottish Gaelic


còrd ri

  1. be liked, enjoyable, agreeable
    A bheil i a' còrdadh riut?Do you like her?
    Cha robh sin a' còrdadh rium.I didn't enjoy that.
  2. agree (do somebody well)
    Chan eil fìon a' còrdadh rithe.Wine doesn't agree with her.

Usage notes

The experiencer (often corresponding to the subject of the equivalent sentence in English) is expressed as the object of the preposition ri. The sentence Cha robh sin a' còrdadh rium could be literally translated as "That did not please me" or "That was not enjoyable to me", but "I didn't enjoy that" is the most natural way to say this in English.

See also

  • gabh tlachd ann
  • meal




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