

单词 cydbreswylwyr



FWOTD – 10 March 2014


From cyd- (co-, syn-) + preswylwyr (residents, inhabitants).


  • (North Wales) IPA(key): /ˌkɨːdbrɛˈsʊɨ̯lwɨ̞r/
  • (South Wales) IPA(key): /ˌkiːdbrɛˈsʊi̯lwɪr/


cydbreswylwyr m pl

  1. (plural only) cohabitants, fellow residents
    • 1838, William Rowlands (editor), Y Cyfaill o’r Hen Wlad yn America (The Friend from the Old Country in America), volume 1, “Araith y Parch. Thos. Edwards” (“Speech of the Rev. Thos. Edwards”), page 136:
      Gwelir y gwirodwerthydd yn eu mysg fel un wedi cael ei syfrdanu nes y bydd ei ymenydd wedi myned yn ddifudd iddo; a gellir canfod annghyssondeb neillduol yn mysg yr annedwydd dylwyth — weithiau bydd rhai a’i dyrnau yn gauedig, eraill yn rhincian dannedd, eraill yn ymdrechu i falurio aelodau eu cydbreswylwyr; weithiau byddant yn darnio dillad eu gilydd nes byddont yn groen-noethion; eraill a wariant eu heiddo mewn ynfydrwydd, heb allu rhoddi un rheswm dros eu hymddygiad — parânt i yfed gan sychedig lyngcu, nes y byddont yn analluog i symud, fwy na phe byddent rhwng terfyn dau fyd; a gellir meddwl fod mynyddau arnynt yn eu suddo yn llaid yr heolydd.
      The victualler can be seen in their midst like one who has been stupefied until his brain had become useless to him; and an extraordinary inconstancy can be perceived amidst the unhappy tribe — sometimes, some go with clenched fists, others gnash their teeth, others attempt to smash the limbs of their cohabitants; sometimes, they tear apart one another’s clothes until they are bare to the skin; others squander what they own in folly, without being able to give a reason for their behaviour — they continue to drink, swallowing thirstily, until they are incapable of moving, more so than were they between the boundaries of two worlds; and it could be imagined that there are mountains upon them, sinking them in the mire of the streets.


Welsh mutation
Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every
possible mutated form of every word actually occurs.




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