

单词 cueyatl


Classical Nahuatl

Alternative forms

  • cueiatl
  • cuiiatl (cujiatl)
  • cuiyatl


  • IPA(key): /kʷejatɬ/
  • IPA(key): /kʷijatɬ/



  1. Frog.
    • 1555: Alonso de Molina, Aqui comienca un vocabulario en la lengua castellana y mexicana, f. 208r.
      Rana. cueyatl.cuiyatl.acacuiyatl.
    • 16C: Bernardino de Sahagún, Florentine Codex, book 1
      Auh in pipiltotonti muchintin qujntlaxqujaia: yn aca coatl: cujiatl, xoujli, axolotl, tototl
      (And all the little children roasted some snakes, frogs, small white fish, the axolotl, birds)
    • c1609: Chimalpahin, Cronica mexicayotl, f. 26r
      yhuan ye quixinachohua yn mimichtin. yn cueyame. yn axollome. yn acociltin. aneneztin. ahuihuitlame yn axaxayacatl. yn quatecomatl. yoyolli.
      (And fish now bred, and frogs, salamanders, crayfish, draonfly, larvae, swamp worms, winged water insects, [other] insects)


  • Brewer, Forrest; Jean G. Brewer (1962) Vocabulario mexicano de Telecingo, Morelos: castellano-mexicano, mexicano-castellano, México: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, pages 82, 121
  • Chimalpahin Quauhtlehuanitzin, Domingo Francisco de San Antón Muñón (1997) Codex Chimalpahin, ed. and trans. by Arthur J. O. Anderson and Susan Schroeder, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, pages 80–81
  • Karttunen, Frances (1983) An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl, Austin: University of Texas Press, page 71
  • Sahagún, Bernardino de (1981) Florentine Codex: Book 1 - The Gods, ed. and trans. by Arthur J. O. Anderson and Charles E. Dibble, 2nd ed., rev. edition, Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, page 30




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