

单词 creeping crud

creeping crud



creeping crud

  1. (slang) Any of various diseases.
    • 1946, Belleau Wood (Aircraft carrier), "Flight Quarters.": The War Story of the U.S.S. Belleau Wood (page 67)
      In the heat of the tropics a variety of skin irritations — collectively dubbed the “creeping crud” — gripped with unrelenting tenacity the hides of the tender.
    • 2010, Jack De Yonge, Boom Town Boy: Coming of Age on Alaska's Lost Frontier (page 197)
      The clap, syphilis, the blue balls, creeping crud, the sore-nosed dick — we all knew what those were, the very things our priests and ministers and parents and others warned us against []
    • 2015, Sylvia Nobel, Forbidden Entry (page 123)
      If he's got some kind of creeping crud, I definitely don't want it.




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