dominant wavelength
wavelength: dominant wavelength
(没有完成任务) fail to carry out an assignment; completely fail to accomplish a task
(没有差错) without discrepancy; accurate:
(没有意义的礼节)mere formalities; empty forms
(没有朝气) lacking in youthful vigour
(没有经过考虑) say offhandedly or casually
(没有趣味) dull; insipid; uninteresting:
(没有车篷的车) flatcar
(没有边际; 迷茫) indistinct:
(没有门路) have no access to sth.; have no means of doing sth.:
(没有限度) limitless
(没有顾虑; 很放心) peacefully; at rest:
(河流、湖泊多的地区) a land that abounds in rivers and lakes
(河流改变经过的路线) (of a river) change its course:
(油光) glossy; shiny
(油嘴的人) glib talker
(油滑) slippery; shifty; slick
(油田名) Daqing (oil field)
(油菜花) rape flower
(沾染) contract (a bad habit); fall into a bad habit of
(泄气) lose heart; be dejected; be discouraged:
(泛指一个组织中的基本成员) ordinary members of an organization
(泛指事物的变化) the course of events; events:
(泛指任何地方) wherever; anywhere:
(泛指任何处所) wherever; where:
(泛指响应某种征求) answer to calls; answer to requests; respond to a call for contributions:
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更新时间:2025/3/10 16:57:11