

单词 congratufuckulations




Blend of congratulations + fuck/fuck you



  1. (slang, humorous, offensive, vulgar, derogatory) A sarcastic form of congratulations.
    • 1998 September 4, Patrick Arnold, “AST Research Claims 5-AD is Superior”, in misc.fitness.weights, Usenet:
      I will be / > selling this compound in about 3 days and I have had no trouble finding a / > source for it. / Congratufuckulations. And when my patent comes thru you will be breaking the law. Good riddance
    • 1999 December 31, acelightning, “Hello Y2K, goodbye 19 whatever it is”, in alt.tasteless, Usenet:
      congratufuckulations, you wonderful screaming queen, you...
    • 2000 May 31, Bechi, “AAAAHHHH! HAPPY BUM WIGGLE FOOTY DANCE!!!!!!!!”, in alt.support.childfree.moderated, Usenet:
      There's nothing to compare to that feeling after you've closed when you rush *home* and think to yourself, "wow...I *own* this place - mine!". Congratufuckulations! I can't think of anyone who deserves this more.
    • 2000 October 6, maura, “I'm a neilsen house!”, in alt.tv.real-world, Usenet:
      Congratufuckulations. (Give me advanced warning next time. Like 2 days or something. TIA).
    • 2001 May 4, D, “WHOO TO THE GOD DAMN MOTHER FUCKING HOO”, in alt.music.tool, Usenet:
      Congratufuckulations! I have to admid your plight has been consuming my thoughts. Enjoy! How'd you get it?
    • 2005 April 12, 78, “metallica is pure american arrogance”, in alt.rock-n-roll.metal.metallica, Usenet:
      well congratufuckulations. aren't you PROUD.
    • 2010, Kent Killmer, Red House, New York; Bloomington, Ind.: iUniverse, Inc., →ISBN:
      “We got that done,” trumpeted Caesar. “Yeah. Well Congratufuckulations. []
    • 2012, Laura J Harris, Splintered, AuthorHouse, →ISBN, page 128:
      ‘I thought I’d ... scare you.’ ‘Well, congratufuckulations! It worked.’


  • congratufuckinglations




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