

单词 concord


See also: Concord


Etymology 1

From French concorde, Latin concordia, from concors (of the same mind, agreeing); con- + cor, cordis (heart). See heart, and compare accord.


  • IPA(key): /ˈkɒn.kɔɹd/, /ˈkɒŋ.kɔɹd/
  • (file)


concord (countable and uncountable, plural concords)

  1. A state of agreement; harmony; union.
    • 1671, John Milton, “Samson Agonistes, []”, in Paradise Regain’d. A Poem. In IV Books. To which is Added, Samson Agonistes, London: [] J. M[acock] for John Starkey [], OCLC 228732398, page 62:
      Love-quarrels oft in pleaſing concord end, / Not wedlock-treachery endangering life.
  2. (obsolete) Agreement by stipulation; compact; covenant; treaty or league
    • 1612, Sir John Davies, Discoverie of the True Causes why Ireland was never entirely subdued
      the concord made between King Henry II and Roderick O'Connor
  3. (grammar) Agreement of words with one another, in gender, number, person or case.
  4. (law, obsolete) An agreement between the parties to a fine of land in reference to the manner in which it should pass, being an acknowledgment that the land in question belonged to the complainant. See fine.
    • 1792, Edward Wood, ‎John Joseph Powell, A Complete Body of Conveyancing: In Theory and Practice, page 548:
      The concord or agreement may be made of an estate and fee-simple, fee-tail, or life or for years; it may be also of divers remainders, and that to them that are no parties but strangers to the fine; it may be also single or double, with a render back again of some estate of the same land or some rent out of it; so a concord may have in it reservation of rent, a clause of distress or nomine poenae and a warranty.
    • 1808, William Sheppard, The Touchstone of Common Assurances:
      And in all these, and such like cases, as before, where the concord is not formal, the judges ought not to receive the fine nor suffer it to pass; but if they do, and the fine be finished, it cannot afterwards be avoided by writ of error, or otherwise, for these faults.
    • 1850, Alexander Mansfield Burrill, A New Law Dictionary and Glossary, page 492:
      This concord was the foundation or substance of the fine; being, in form and in fact, the grant or conveyance intended to be given, and was acknowledged either openly in court, or before one of the judges, or before two or more commissioners empowered by a special authority. With this acknowledgment, all the essential parts of the fine were completed.
    • 1994, The Local Historian - Volumes 24-25, page 66:
      The foot of a fine was a copy of an agreement ( the final concord ) reached in a court of law, usually the Court of Common Pleas, following a dispute over land ownership.
  5. (probably influenced by chord, music) An agreeable combination of tones simultaneously heard; a consonant chord; consonance; harmony.
    • 1609, William Shakespeare, “Sonnet 8”, in Shake-speares Sonnets. [], London: By G[eorge] Eld for T[homas] T[horpe] and are to be sold by William Aspley, OCLC 216596634:
      If the true concord of well tuned ſounds, / By vnions married to offend thine eare, / They do but ſweetly chide thee, who confounds / In ſingleneſſe the parts that thou ſhould'ſt beare.
English terms derived from the Proto-Indo-European root *ḱerd-‎ (0 c, 37 e)

Etymology 2

After Concord, Massachusetts, where the variety was developed.


  • IPA(key): /ˈkɒn.kɔɹd/


concord (plural concords)

  1. A variety of sweet American grape, with large dark blue (almost black) grapes in compact clusters; a Concord grape.

Etymology 3

From French concorder, from Latin concordō.


  • IPA(key): /kənˈkɔɹd/
  • (file)
  • Rhymes: -ɔɹd


concord (third-person singular simple present concords, present participle concording, simple past and past participle concorded)

  1. (intransitive) To agree; to act together
    • 1660-1667, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon, The Life of Edward Earl of Clarendon
      too many of their old Friends and Associates, ready to concord with them in any desperate Measures




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