

单词 comradely




comrade + -ly.


comradely (comparative more comradely, superlative most comradely)

  1. Having the characteristics of a comrade or of comradeship; companionable.
    • 1932, Lloyd C. Douglas, Forgive Us Our Trespasses, New York: Grosset & Dunlap, Chapter I,
      "Now, if you ever want to put anythin' out of sight, Julia," commented Ferd, with a comradely wink, "you'll know how to do it [] "
    • 1944, Emily Carr, The House of All Sorts, "Punk,"
      Land must be cleared before there was much stock-work for sheep and cattle dogs. But Bobtails were comradely; they guarded the men from the desperate loneliness in those isolated places.
  2. Of or relating to comradeship; between or among comrades.
    • 1938, Xavier Herbert, Capricornia, New York: D. Appleton-Century, 1943, Chapter X, p. 165,
      Heather was thinking not of the dead, but of the incorrigible living, of him whom she had striven hard, not with tears and common female wiles but with comradely devotion, to save from his worst enemy, himself.
    • 1957, "A Question of Justice," Time, 3 June, 1957,
      During the trial they conferred together amiably in whispers, continued their comradely discussions during recesses.
    • 1980, J. M. Coetzee, Waiting for the Barbarians, Secker & Warburg, p. 99,
      I touch her cheek, take her hand. On this bleak hillside in mid-morning I can find no trace in myself of that stupefied eroticism that used to draw me night after night to her body or even of the comradely affection of the road.
    • 2014, Jason Crouthamel, An Intimate History of the Front: Masculinity, Sexuality, and German Soldiers in the First World War, Palgrave Macmillan, Introduction, p. 8
      Much of Kühne's work is based on an analysis of comradely ideals constructed and sanctified, especially by right-wing groups, in the interwar years.

Derived terms

  • comradeliness
  • uncomradeliness
  • uncomradely



comradely (comparative more comradely, superlative most comradely)

  1. (rare) In the manner of a comrade.
    • 1980, Nadine Gordimer, "A Hunting Accident" in A Soldier's Embrace, Penguin, 1982, p. 59,
      He smiled at her as he had before they were lovers; the breasts and thighs and backsides, knees, feet and arms comradely crowded together on the truck seemed to deny the reality of the physical presence he had lent her in a hotel room in Dar.




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