

单词 comp.theorist




Blend of comp.theory + theorist. Equivalent to comp.theory + -ist.


comp.theorist (plural comp.theorists)

  1. (Internet slang) A participant in the Usenet newsgroup comp.theory.
    • 1992 April 20, Long Van Tran, “Request for Proof”, in comp.theory, Usenet, retrieved 2022-04-29:
      Hello comp.theorist,
      I need the proof for the computability of
      Speed problem : Find the fastest program P
      SP(i) = j | Pj is fastest (with Pj equivalent to Pi)
      It is a kind of "Halting problem". This problem is not computable.
      (I may even describe the problem incorrectly!)
    • 1993 July 13, Davide Crippa, “Travelling Salesman Problem”, in comp.theory, Usenet, retrieved 2022-04-29:
      Hi Comp.Theorists,
      I am looking for an overview article treating the TSP problem. I am NOT looking for a book like Lawler, Lenstra,..., just an article written for broad diffusion, something that could for instance appear in Scientific American or some other kind of journal, and that would give beside the statement of the problem also an overview on the heuristics, achieved results, etc.
    • 2002 February 26, Fabien, “Non-destructive graph unification algorithm”, in comp.theory, Usenet, retrieved 2022-04-29:
      Dear comp.theorists,
      I need to implement a - possibly efficient - feature-structure unification algorithm in a pure functional settings[sic].




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