

单词 common touch

common touch



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common touch (usually uncountable, plural common touches)

  1. (idiomatic, usually of a celebrity or leader) The personal quality of showing understanding of and sympathy for the concerns of ordinary people; rapport with and acceptance by ordinary people.
    • 1895, Rudyard Kipling, "If—":
      If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
      Or walk with kings—nor lose the common touch;
      . . .
      Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it
    • 1986 Feb. 17, John Moody, "Nigeria Striking a Delicate Balance," Time (retrieved 16 Oct 2013):
      The crowd roared its approval and gave a standing ovation to the new President of Africa's most populous nation. That common touch has served Babangida well.
    • 1996 May 4, Eric Schmitt, "New Top Admiral to Push Wider Combat Role for Women," New York Times (retrieved 16 Oct 2013):
      The admiral is the first enlisted man to lead the Navy, and Navy aides are busy cultivating his image as a four-star officer with a common touch.
    • 2013 Sept. 25, Jeff Jacoby, "Pope’s interview is fodder for the culture war," Boston Globe (retrieved 16 Oct 2013):
      From the first moments of his papacy it has been evident that Francis is a “people person,” with a gentle common touch and a gift for pastoral outreach.

See also

  • average Joe
  • man of the people
  • regular folk / regular folks
  • unpretentiousness


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