

单词 come to find out

come to find out



come to find out

  1. (especially Southern US) Turn out.
    • 1945, Walter Rogers, ‎Elizabeth Rogers, John Donar: Common Man, p. 89:
      Come to find out, the company kept 2 sets of books.
    • 1974, Alan W. Garey, "Helicopter Operations at Civil Airports", Approach: The Naval Aviation Safety Review, p. 25:
      It's not listed anywhere. So, a phone call is made to Podunk – and come to find out, the airport is a grass field.
    • 1989, Francis L. Gross, Searching for God, p. 123:
      And come to find out, he don't think.
    • 1997, Leslie Leyland Fields, The Entangling Net: Alaska's Commercial Fishing Women Tell Their Lives, p. 119:
      Well, come to find out, these survival suits haven't been out of their sacks for years.
    • 2009, Bobby Rose, Bama Sweetheart, p. 293:
      Well, come to find out they won and got married today on television, all expenses paid.




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