

单词 colpo di spugna

colpo di spugna



Literally, hit of sponge.


colpo di spugna m (plural colpi di spugna)

  1. scrubdown; wipe up
  2. (figuratively, by extension) cancellation of previous wrongs, responsibilities, etc.; clean slate
    • 2021 February 25, “Stati Uniti, Biden cancella altre misure di Trump: meno restrizioni sui visti e niente tagli alle città di Black lives matter [United States, Biden cancels Trump's other measures: fewer restrictions on visas and no cuts to the cities of Black Lives Matter]”, in la Repubblica:
      Altro colpo di spugna da parte del presidente americano Joe Biden nei confronti delle misure adottate dal suo predecessore Donald Trump.
      Another clean slate on the part of the American president Joe Biden against the measures adopted by his predecessor Donald Trump.

Usage notes

  • The figurative sense is often used in the form dare un colpo di spugna a (to give a clean slate to) (someone).




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